Category Archives: Case Results

The Case of the Drug Trafficking, Money Laundering Indictment in Eastern District of Texas: Supervised Release 

Watch enough movies or live true crime trials on YouTube, and you may get the idea that sentencing in a criminal case is almost immediate: in a brightly-lit courtroom, the defendant stands up next to his defense attorney.  Together, they face an imposing judge.  From the bench, there comes a solemn proclamation of punishment in…

The Case of the Non-Citizen Facing Felony PPP Fraud Indictment: Innocent of All Charges

This is the first in my series of articles discussing specific aspects of some of my recent criminal defense representations here in Texas.  These will be generalized discussions: particulars including the identification of clients, prosecutors, etc. will not be included for obvious privacy reasons.  No one reading these articles should assume any form of legal…

Fort Worth Federal Judge John McBryde Child Porn Downward Departure Sentence

Mr. Lowe’s client was investigated by the Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) officer assigned to Crimes Against Children Unit who was conducted an investigation of a peer-to-peer file sharing network.  The file sharing network being investigated was called eDonkey.  eDonkey required its users to download file sharing software called Shareaza.  This software enabled the users…

Ring Camera Proves Alibi Defense in Tarrant County Aggravated Assault/Deadly Weapon

Michael Lowe’s client was accused with Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon in Tarrant County. The father of her child was the complaining witness. Late last year, Mr. Lowe’s client was assaulted by the complaining witness. He was arrested and charged with Assault/Family Violence in Tarrant County. The child’s father continued to have contact with…

Carson County 1st Degree Felony Money Laundering Case Dismissed

Mr. Lowe’s client was targeted by State Trooper Danny Dawson as he was travelling west bound on I-40 through Carson County, Texas.  Trooper Dawson stated in his arrest report that Mr. Lowe’s client was following too closely (Texas Transportation Code 545.062)and changed lanes without signalling (Texas Transportation Code 545.104) as the probable cause reasons for…


A U.S. District Court Judge told Mr. Lowe’s client: “I’ve given you the biggest break I’ve ever given in the 26 years I’ve been on this bench.” Read about how Mr. Lowe was able to get probation on a Federal Child Porn case even though the client’s maximum guideline range was 168 months in the…

Probation In A Federal Child Porn Case: Case Study by Defense Attorney Michael Lowe

An Arlington family hired Texas defense attorney Michael Lowe to defend their son on a potential federal trafficking of child pornography.  A few days before, the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) under Homeland Security Investigations (“HSI”) executed a federal search warrant for computers and hard drives at the Arlington family residence. Mr. Lowe’s client was…

Manslaughter Case No Billed in Morris County, Texas

Mr. Lowe’s client got into a drunken argument with his father-in-law on Christmas day 2015.  The argument became physical and and Mr. Lowe’s client pushed his father-in-law off his father-in-law’s front porch of the father-in-law’s home in Naples, Texas.  The fall resulted in severe brain trauma.  The client’s wife was present when the altercation took…

Dallas County 1st Degree Felony Theft More Than $100,000 Case No Billed

Dallas County 1st Degree Felony Theft Case No Billed.

Richardson Police, Dallas County Felony Tampering With a Governmental Record Case No Billed

Dallas County Tampering With a Governmental Document Case No Billed