Category Archives: Corrupt Cops
Dallas Roadside Body Search by DPS Troopers Now Subject to Federal Lawsuit – Shocking Video of Dallas Roadside Search of Two Innocent Women
Over the years, we’ve monitored law enforcement in traffic stops and we’ve posted about bad things that have happened on Texas roadways, things like these dashcam video captures of law enforcement doing wrong (these aren’t the only examples we’ve found, check out our “Cop Watch” section in the sidebar for more): the Lufkin police officer…
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Dallas Police Chief Announces Big Policy Changes To Halt Trend of Dallas Police Department Officer Involved Shootings
Last Friday, Dallas Police Chief David Brown announced that there would be changes made over at the Dallas Police Department to deal with the big (HUGE) problem of officer involved shootings here in Dallas, Texas (for details, read our earlier post where our city is averaging 1 Dallas officer involved shooting every few weeks). …
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Dallas Police Excessive Force: 16 Officer Involved Shootings in 2012 – Over 1 Each Month and 50% Are Fatal
Police officers are trusted by you and me to carry guns, pistols, stun guns, and other weapons on their bodies as they drive the streets and walk alongside us and our kids because they are doing the job of protecting and serving the public. So when cops decide to use their weapons to harm or…
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Whistleblower Gregory London Back On The Job With Back Pay After Blowing Whistle About Dallas County Constable Derick Evans Campaign Antics
This week, Gregory London returned to his job at the Dallas County Precinct 1 Constable’s Office after being reinstated by the Dallas County Civil Service Commission, which also awarded London back pay and benefits covering the time he was out of work after spilling the beans about his boss to an ex-agent of the Federal…
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Aransas Pass Police Caught on Video Beating Matias Vera: Texas Police Department Faces Another Allegation of Evildoing.
Call it “police brutality” or “excessive force,” but anytime someone in law enforcement abuses their power with physical violence, it’s not something that should be tolerated by anyone, anywhere – much less the local law enforcement officials, city councils, or state and federal authorities. So it’s rather shocking that we’re reading yet ANOTHER news story…
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Eyewitness Testimony and Prosecutorial Misconduct Spotlighted Again as Texas Executed Another Innocent Man: the Wrongful Prosecution of Carlos DeLuna
In what universe does anyone really believe that eyewitness testimony is reliable? Really? We’ve written before about how criminal defense attorneys and prosecutors alike are well aware that witnesses are notoriously unreliable in giving accurate information about a crime. For example, read our earlier post discussing a Dallas Morning News expose where the Dallas County…
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Texas Police Corruption: Texas Rangers Arrest Chief of Police, Rest of Police Department Out the Door But Covington Still Very Afraid
A stone’s throw as the crow flies from Fort Worth is the tiny Texas town of Covington, and if you follow along Interstate 35 from downtown CowTown you’ll be in the heart of Covington in around 45 minutes. So, this story isn’t coming out of some backwoods, rural spot that’s living without the knowledge or…
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Texas Cop Investigated for Lewdness and Child Pornography by Texas Rangers
News reports are popping up across the state today about an officer with years of service at the Wylie Police Department who just got put on paid administrative leave after allegations were made against him involving lewd behavior and child pornography. The patrolman has voluntarily turned over his home computer to the Texas Rangers, who…
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Houston Police Officers Union Pillaged by Houston Cops: Matthew Calley Sentenced to 20 Years After Pleading Guilty to $650,000+ Theft, Two Other Cops Charged
Last week, retired Houston police officer Matthew Calley stood in front of a Harris County judge and said he was sorry for what he had done, but no one can know for sure if that apology swayed the judge at Mr. Calley’s sentencing hearing. Maybe it did, because the 25 year veteran could have been…
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Texas Police Accused of Planting Drugs on Innocent Man: Aransas Pass Police Department Corruption Charges Escalate
What is going on with the Aransas Pass Police Department — is there widespread corruption there, as more and more news stories suggest? Consider this: just last week, we posted about the situation involving the Aransas Pass Police Department being investigated by the Texas Rangers after Martin Ortiz ended up comatose in a Corpus Christi…
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