Category Archives: DA Watch

Perjury and Aggravated Perjury: Witness Corroboration Issues for Criminal Defense

Lies can hurt or harm in all sorts of ways, but when a witness decides to lie while under oath after having sworn to tell the truth, things become instantaneously serious.  Why?  A witness who lies in sworn testimony commits a crime under Texas law, as well as federal statute and the laws of other…

Witness Corroboration under the Texas Penal Code: Who Believes a Snitch?

People lie.  That’s a sin, but it’s usually not a crime.  However, when someone lies who is providing evidence in a criminal proceeding, they have become a “witness” under the law and lying becomes a big problem.  It’s perjury.  And witnesses who lie can destroy lives. Evidence in a Criminal Case:  Documents and Testimony In…

Can Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Rely Upon Jury Questionnaires in 2020?

The Aftermath of Fort Worth Court of Appeals Decision in Badger   Here in Texas, jury selection begins down in Austin.  The Secretary of State’s Office combines (1) each county’s list of registered voters with (2) those whose residence address on their Texas Driver’s License or Texas Identification Car is within the county’s jurisdiction, according…

Prosecutorial Misconduct in Twin Peaks: Waco DA Dismisses and AG Refuses to Prosecute

Two weeks ago, Waco Top Prosecutor Abel Reyna recused himself from the prosecution of two cases in the Twin Peaks shootout and successfully moved for dismissal of all charges against another 13 defendants. This happened on the same morning that there was a hearing scheduled on the corruption allegations filed against Reyna in his role…

Outrageous Prosecutorial Misconduct: Cliven Bundy Case Dismissal – Lessons for Every American

A federal judge has dismissed with prejudice the charges brought against Cliven Bundy and it’s a big deal.  It’s always a big deal for a judge to dismiss a case “with prejudice,” because that means the case is over.  There’s no option for the government to re-file their criminal lawsuit.  It’s over. Dismissed with Prejudice…

Prosecutorial Misconduct by Waco District Attorney Alleged by His First Assistant

First things first, remember the big shooting down in Waco last year, where hundreds of arrests were made in the big “biker shootout” at the Twin Peaks restaurant?  We’ve discussed it before, read “Waco Justice? 100 Days After Twin Peaks Biker Arrests, Things Look Fishy to Criminal Defense .” Nov 10th Mistrial in Twin Peaks…

Prosecutors and Police in Dallas: How Bad is It?

So, what’s going on here in Dallas County with our prosecutors and our police department?  Well, there are lots of things going on right now that impact criminal justice – and criminal defense – here in North Texas.     Because excessive force by the police and prosecutorial misconduct isn’t just stuff that happens in…

Arrested After Police Field Drug Test?  Fight Back: These Things Are Notoriously Wrong

Here’s what happens.   You’re driving along, minding your own business, when you see those flashing lights in your rearview mirror and pull over.  The police officer saunters up to your window.  You ask what’s going on: why did he stop you? Next thing you know, he’s checking out stuff in your car and he’s using…

Attacks on Police in Texas are Hate Crimes under 2017 Police Protection Act

Look in the dictionary and “hate crime” is defined as any crime that is motivated by hostility towards the victim because he or she is a member of a specific group (like gender, race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation). The FBI has its own definition:  a “criminal offense against a person or property motivated in…

Speedy Trials in Texas: Prosecuting “Killer Nurse” Genene Jones for 1981 Crime

Do you remember where you were in 1981?  Were you even alive in 1981? Let’s think back … 1981 was the year: President Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley; the CDC recognized the first five cases of AIDS in five homosexual men diagnosed with a “rare form of pneumonia” in Los Angeles; Donkey Kong…