Category Archives: Privacy of Lawyer-Client Communications
Why You May Need a Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer in Texas
Every lawyer in Texas has to graduate from law school and pass the bar prior to licensure allowing them to practice law in this state. In Texas, lawyers are licensed to practice law by the State Bar of Texas (SBOT) after being approved for admission by the Texas Board of Law Examiners. Any Texas attorney…
FBI Investigations and DOJ Prosecutions: Fighting for Your Privacy Rights
Of paramount concern to criminal defense attorneys is protecting due process and making sure that any investigation and prosecution by the government abides by constitutional protections like limited police powers, the right to privacy, and search and seizure protocols. Criminal Defense and Privacy Protections This is true for the underlying investigation into criminal activity. It…
Eavesdropping on Criminal Defense Lawyers: Attorney Overhearings as Evidence
Occasionally clients or potential clients will voice concerns about the safety of communication with their criminal defense lawyer. It’s understandable, given all the technological advances in snooping devices. Snooping Gizmos So You Can Eavesdrop Surf online and you can find all sorts of ways to listen into phone conversations, as well as monitor things being…
Private Prison Company CCA Detention Facility Secretly Recording Lawyer – Client Meetings
How Safe are Criminal Lawyer Conversations with Clients? The Rising Danger to Attorney-Client Privileged Communications There is no justice to be had if there isn’t confidence in our ability to have safe and secure conversations with our lawyers, is there? This is particularly true when it’s a criminal defense attorney communicating with their client, who is…
Federal Prosecutor Powers: Is the FBI Recording Your Conversation Down at the Courthouse?
There are more criminal cases filed in state courts here in Dallas and North Texas than in the federal system, and there are a number of reasons for this. However, the power of the federal system and the impact of federal practices and federal court cases upon state and local criminal systems cannot be underestimated….
The Police and Your Phone: Invasion of Privacy by Police
Sure, people who are being investigated by law enforcement for committing crimes, as they are defined by state or federal law, need to know about their privacy rights — constitutionally protected privacy rights — and where the line is drawn between them and the police during that investigation. When is a search warrant required before…
Dallas County Opens Digital Crime Lab: DA Snoops Your Cell Phone
There was an important news update out of Craig Watkins’ office that may have been overshadowed yesterday, what with all the November 2014 Election coverage and the scoop that Watkins lost his job to Republican challenger Susan Hawk. After all, there’s lots to ponder in Dallas criminal justice circles about what Hawk’s transition into the…
How Can Criminal Lawyers and Their Clients Protect Their Attorney-Client Communications From Snooping And Hacking? Lawyers, especially criminal defense attorneys, are very careful to protect their communications with clients and potential clients; however, in the past few years technological advancements have made it particularly difficult for both lawyers and clients to insure that their privileged…
Client Communications With Criminal Defense Lawyers – Keeping Your Lawyer and Client Communications Safe From Eavesdroppers and Hackers
This week, the director of the National Security Agency responded to the demand letter sent by the American Bar Association (see details on the ABA letter including its full text here) and what Director General Keith Alexander had in reply shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone: the NSA has told the ABA not to worry,…