Criminal Law Blog
Crime News: Judge Charlie Baird May Exonerate a Dead Man and Give Justice to Tim Cole
Tim Cole is dead. And you should know that Tim Cole died with integrity, consistently maintaining he was innocent of the crime for which he was accused. Now, it may be time that he finally receives justice. Tim Cole Took the Hard Road – He Went to Jail Rather Than Deny His Innocence Before we…
Aggravated Assault Dismissed
Dallas County 2nd Degree Felony Aggravated Assault Case Dismissed
JUDGE WATCH: District Judge Berry Wins On DWI Charge, Any Appeal Will Go to Waco and Justice Tom Gray
Remember the story about Justice Tom Grey of Waco last week? Well, news flash:Looks Like Justice Grey Will Judge Judge Dohoney’s Reversal of Judge Driver’s Decision regarding Judge Berry, or The Judge Who Judges Judges and Got Judged Is Judging Judge Dohoney’s Decision that Judge Driver Was Wrong in Issuing a Search Warrant for a…
DA Watch: Tarrant County DA Tosses Hot Potato to Texas AG in Toney Case
Well, well, well. Seems the District Attorney’s Office over in Fort Worth isn’t going to make the call in the Michael Toney case. They’ve just recused themselves, and now the decision about what to do with Michael Toney is on the Attorney General’s desk. Who’s Michael Toney? Why is this case a hot potato? Back…
Aggravated Assault with a Handgun Reduced to Class
2nd Degree Felony Aggravated Assault with a Handgun Case in Dallas County reduced
JUDGE WATCH: 10th Circuit Chief Justice Tom Gray of Waco Publicly Admonished by State Commission on Judicial Conduct
Judge Who Judges Judges Gets Judged. Say that three times fast. First things first, for those of you who don’t know, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals here in Texas is based in Waco and serves the surrounding Central Texas area (to be specific, 18 Texas counties are under its perview). It is a court…
Cop Watch: Dallas County Sheriff's Deputy Steals 4 Kilos of Cocaine From Dealer
You just can’t trust anyone these days.A week ago Friday, before the bust, Standric Choice was a Dallas County Sheriff’s Deputy with 8 years seniority and a previous record of working for the county as a jail guard. He drove a Sheriff’s Department squad car, wore the uniform, and patroled South Dallas. After the bust,…
Jail Watch: The Public Needs to Understand How Parole Officials Can Trump Juries – The Injustice to Jimmie Lee Page
Jimmie Lee Page has served almost 20 years in jail after an Austin jury found him not guilty. (The Austin American Statesman is doing a great thing in educating the public, by its recent re-publication of a story it first reported back in 2007 – telling the story of Jimmie Lee Page. Read the full…
JUDGE WATCH: Galveston Judge Samuel Kent Still Set for Trial on Jan 26 But With Big New Charges
Okay – here’s an update to an October 2008 post, and once again, I cannot make this stuff up. It all began when the first federal district judge in our nation’s history got indicted last year for sex crimes. And, sure – of course, it had to be some judge in Texas. Geez. So, right…
Jail Watch: Drop in the Bucket as Cameron County Jail Guard Caught Smuggling Drugs Into the Big House
Down in Cameron County, which is right on the Tex-Mex border, there was a Big Bust last month: a detention officer (read that, jail guard) was busted for smuggling drugs into the county jail (better known as the Carrialez Rucker Detention Center). Seems the Evildoing Guard was caught as he met with two guys and…